Wednesday, July 09, 2014

July 3rd

July 3rd was a company holiday for Greg, along with the 4th, so we got to have an extra long weekend all together. We headed to the zoo in the morning, for the first time ever WITHOUT a stroller! Exciting stuff here! We took every stair opportunity that presented itself, just because we could. :) It was a perfect, cloud-covered zoo day.

When we got home we set up our big tent to spray some waterproofing stuff on it ("camp dry") in preparation for our upcoming beach camping venture. We decided to let the kids sleep in it, forgetting that it was July 3rd and that our neighborhood is fireworks-crazy. They had gotten all their beds set up in the tent and were all snugged in to listen to us read our current chapter book, Clementine, aloud.  I had just started reading when we heard a loud "BOOM!" The cracking, popping, and booming continued throughout the evening, much to the kids' delight. They watched the fireworks show through the screen windows in the tent and didn't fall asleep until 10:00pm. We could have thought through that plan a little better, but oh well! We can mark off "backyard camping" from our summer to-do list now.

This was earlier in the day. Kari wanted a picture with Tiger Lily, and they all jumped in the photo. I don't say no to willing photo subjects.

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