Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Horsetail Falls

A couple Sundays ago we went for a hike with some friends after church. We hiked the Horsetail Falls loop, which is one we've done before, but this time, Grant made it the whole way on his own two feet! Our big kids led the way almost the whole time, going faster than the little ones could go. We were constantly calling for them to stop and wait for the rest of us. So much energy in those little people!

We went home for a little rest time after our hike (Grant was asleep within two minutes of getting in the car), and then we went to TCBY for the promised frozen yogurt in celebration of well-played soccer and baseball seasons. On the way home we visited Grandpa and Grandma Arnold for a bit, and Grandpa took Grant for a ride in the jeep since Grant, apparently, hadn't ever done that.


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