Thursday, April 11, 2013

Eagle Crest

When the kids were on spring break, we spent two nights at a big house in Eagle Crest with some good friends, the Wilsons and the Millers. It was so much fun! We'd never vacationed with friends before. We decided we'll have to do it again! We walked, talked, rode bikes, played games, and just really enjoyed our friends and the time away. The kids all got along well, which was wonderful. They discovered pranks, how to pull them off and how to retaliate. We had them call a truce a couple of different times, so they could just enjoy being together without thinking about their next "move." :)

baby #4 (a niece) coming June 2nd(ish)!
On our way home from Eagle Crest, we stopped in to have lunch with Ryan and Michelle and kids at their new house in Sisters.  It was great to see them and how well they're settled in there and to catch up in person. (The nasty flu at Christmas got in the way of us catching up then.) We also got to watch Brennan open his birthday present from us. He sure is in love with his trucks! It always amazes me how the cousins jump right back in where they left off when they see each other. We walked in the door, and they were off, playing until it was time to go.

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