Friday, April 12, 2013


This was Joel's first year of YMCA basketball. Greg coached his team (and did a mighty fine job, I think), and they did well! Joel had a great time, improved his basketball skills, and enjoyed playing with his friends.

Kari played again this year, too. It was more of a challenging season for her team. They were on the younger side of the 3rd/4th league, and only won one game, I believe.  She had a lot of fun, though, all the way up until the very last game. The season didn't end well--lots of angry, frustrated tears from Kari during that game. The team was pretty good, had some larger/older girls, and was extremely aggressive. The girl Kari was matched up with was a head taller than her and had at least 20 lbs on her. She was a big girl! Kari got so frustrated, she just snapped. She dissolved into tears, sat on the bench, and refused to go back into the game. After some prodding from her coach and words from both Greg and I, she did eventually go back in and finish the game, which was a relief, but, boy, life lessons sure can be rough! We'll see if she wants to play next year. Right now she's saying soccer is her favorite. :)
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