Thursday, August 04, 2011

The little man is ONE today!

Happy birthday to my baby, my last baby. I think I'm going to cry. Yep, crying now. I know it's healthy and right for you to be growing up, and I know that we have a great season ahead, but right now it feels sad to be leaving your babyhood behind. You've brought so much joy to us this last year. You've brought much sleeplessness, too, but we've managed to just accept it, knowing that someday you'll sleep. In fact, you slept all night long (without crying in the night), a 12 hours stretch, for the first time two nights before your birthday! Of course last night wasn't quite as good, but that's ok. It sure is a good thing I didn't know at the time it'd be a whole year from your birth that I'd get a solid 8 hours of sleep! You are quick to smile and have a great belly laugh. You're quick to show your displeasure, too--kind of an intense little guy. You keep life exciting, that's for sure. You have started giving hugs, laying your head on our shoulders and making an "aahhhh" sound. You wave bye-bye occasionally, usually after the person is already gone. You make a beeline for the stairs whenever we leave the gates open at this new house. You have bruises on your forehead constantly these days from toddling around and being a little top-heavy. You love your siblings, and they adore you. They are very excited for your birthday party this weekend. Can't imagine life without you in our family. I'm so thankful God blessed us with you.
We love you so much, little Grant-man.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andrea he is so adorable. Mae