Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Beauty means pain."

That's what my dad used to tell me, and now Kari has experienced it first-hand. The joy of having her ears pierced made up for the little bit of pain she had to endure to have it done. She did tell me, however, that it hurt a lot more than I said it would. :) Kari has been saving her money since we told her she could do it if she paid half. She got her money, waited until her friend, Ellie, had also saved enough, and they went and got it done together. Kari is VERY pleased.

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Denee said...

She looks so grown up!

Denee said...

Oh, and you can tell Kari that she has it good. I had to be nice to my siblings for a WHOLE MONTH in order to get mine pierced. My parents drove a hard bargain. ;)

Anonymous said...

I was 26 when I got mine peirced so she beat me by 20 years, they asked me if I was old enough, I took it as a compliment. now she can learn to do some beadwork. Mrs. Gunderson

Ashleigh said...

So cute! I almost only had one ear pierced! It hurt so bad after the first one I told my mom I didn't want to get the second one done :) Way to go Kari for being so brave!

mlearnold said...

You and Christine and nice mommies. I had to wait until I was 12! Felt like an eternity! They look so grown up! I have no doubt Kari will care for her ears diligently. :)