"Little Lucky," the tiny Irish bear he brought back for Aubrey on one of his previous visits, accompanied him this time. Aubrey wasn't too happy after the first email. I think she was worried the bear wasn't coming back. I had to work hard to reassure her that Lucky would return safely with Daddy. Here's the last e-mail from Lucky. (Oh, and Greg made it clear that it's to be read with an Irish accent, if you can do one. I can't.) :)
Hello dear little ones.
Little Lucky here. I apologize for my lack of communication, as it has been a bit crazy for me the past two days. I hope this note finds you all quite well. I heard that the youngest of you children, the little grant-man, has not been feeling the best. And to the oldest, Kari Lynn, I do hope your sleepover was grand. Your Daddy showed me your Mummy’s blog, and I want to offer my congratulations to the Joel-boy for his loss of tooth. Just so you know, I think it quite odd that you people ‘lose’ teeth, as my type of bear does not lose teeth. Of course, I do not have any teeth either!
Aubrey Ann, I do so look forward to returning to my home inside of your box. You will be happy to know that I am quite well.
And now, for the conclusion of my adventures at your Daddy’s work:
I got into the building, and found MANY yellow plastic parts. They looked like little pieces of sunshine!
I made my way about the premises by walking underneath a coffee cup so that nobody would see me (much like I saw the toys do in the Toy Story movies).
When I made it to the nearest window, I saw many forklifts outside that your Daddy was working on. So THAT is what he was doing. Working on forklifts!!
It will please you all to know that our work here in Ireland is done. We wanted to come home today (as much as I want to come home, your Daddy REALLY wants to be with you), but due to some poor weather fronts, we are going to be here for a few more days. Tomorrow, we will do a bit of sightseeing, and you can pray that we would get on a plane when we can. We are currently planning on coming home Tuesday evening.
Cheers children,
Little Lucky
P.S. Your Daddy says to tell you that he loves you Kari, Joel, Aubrey, and Grant. And that he REALLY Loves Mommy.