Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The little man

Just in case we needed some extra confirmation that he really, truly does need tubes, Grant went and got another ear infection. The night waking/crying along with the inconsolable crying after a very short afternoon nap tipped me off this time. He goes in a week from tomorrow for the surgery, none too soon, apparently. He will be on antibiotics up until surgery day, so most crankiness between now and then can be attributed to teething, and I won't be wondering if it's his ears. He's doing pretty well, though, and still smiling! He now has three teeth in and the other front tooth about to pop through any day. Last weekend he took his first few steps, too. Everything is happening at once! He loves to push the shopping cart around the house, and the other kids love to help him. He's not quite there yet, but I think we are going to have a 10-month-old walker!  Here's some video of our smiley guy.
Grant cart walking from Andrea Moffat on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Cheryl Licht said...

Thanks for the video, Andrea. He really knows how to get around! And sooo adorable. I'm getting excited to see you all!!!!!