Monday, May 09, 2011

Tired of popsicles?

The girls have contributed a few popsicle sticks to the glass, too, but isn't that impressive?

Taking a rare, but much needed, nap

Joel informed us the day after his tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy that he was tired of popsicles, jell-o, and applesauce. He wanted something else, like pizza. :) We've come up with some other soft foods he can have along with the popsicles, but he's looking forward to when he can eat what he wants again. His surgery on Friday went well. The doctor told us afterwards that it was a really good thing that we did it. His adenoids had "active infection," so the cycle of illness would have continued had we not gone ahead with the surgery. The time at the hospital was no fun (I really hate hospitals). Joel had a difficult time waking up and in recovery. When they brought him back to us in the room, Greg stayed with him, and I took a short walk with Grant. I don't handle situations like that very well, and I did NOT want to pass out in that hospital room. (I passed out at the pediatrician's office about a month ago. It only happens in medical-type situations, but it sure is embarrassing!) Grant needed a diaper change anyhow, so he and I took care of that and then went back. Once they got Joel's pain under control, he took a nap and was able to go home a few hours later. He did not like having that IV in, and he did not like the hospital pajamas. He wanted his own clothes on! The drive home was no fun either, but once we got him settled on the couch with some jello in his stomach, he did pretty well. And he has continued to do very well. It hasn't kept him from talking, drinking (crazy straws from Grandma made that more fun), or eating (the foods he's allowed), and he's been up moving around, even playing with his sisters some. He's spending a lot of time at his post on the loveseat and is watching a lot of TV/movies, but he's been a pretty good patient overall. We've had our moments (just had another one a few minutes ago), but it hasn't been too bad. We've got his pain med schedule on the frig and have been able to keep him fairly comfortable. We're even feeling a little bored now on day four but also feeling very fortunate to have had such an uneventful recovery thus far. Thank you, Lord! We're half-way through the first week. 

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