Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spoke too soon

Yup, shouldn't have blogged yesterday. We had a terrible night with Joel last night. Ironically, it was Grant's best night ever! He slept 8 hours straight, but we didn't get to enjoy it. Oh well. Maybe he'll do it again. Maybe.

I'll spare you (and me) some of the gory details, but we were on the phone with the doctor at 12:30am after Joel woke up screaming, thrashing, bleeding, nauseous. He saw the doctor today, and everything is going to be ok. He had a bit of a set-back and a bummer of a day but should be feeling better soon.


Denee said...

Oh, poor Joel! I will pray for a quick recovery and rest for all soon. I do not envy you this experience!

Megan said...

It's like the law of blogging. Once you put something out there, it is going to reverse. I blogged yesterday about feeling really good and full of energy and today I was EXHAUSTED! Ha! Anyways, I really hope that Joel feels better soon. That sounds like it was a really rough night.