Thursday, March 03, 2011

Aubrey Ann turned 3

For the last six months or so, people have assumed Aubrey was 3, and now she really is! She got to go to her first birthday breakfast with Grandpa--and LOVED every minute of it. Funny how things work for younger siblings. Kari went for the first time when she turned 6, Joel went when he turned 4, and Aubrey when she turned 3. We were joking that maybe Grant should go when he turns 2. Wouldn't that be fun, Grandpa? :)

And we had her big family party on her actual birthday, too. I do believe this much anticipated day lived up to all her expectations. She was one excited birthday girl. Thanks for celebrating with us, everyone!

Here are some of my favorites of Aubrey from her party:


Barry Arnold said...

Ummm, I'll pass. I decided three was okay because Brian went bear hunting at three. At two, kids should be within sight of Mommy or Grandma.

mlearnold said...

I dunno, I was just explaining to Russell how you were going to take him out later this month...he's gonna be crushed! :(