Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Museum trip

The library pass made it our way again, and we had a great little trip to the Children's Museum this morning. Joel was VERY excited to go and enjoyed every minute of it. Oh, and yesterday he was finally declared strep-free! It sure has been nice to have well kids again. This last week was nice and "normal."

We were some of the only people there first thing in the morning, which is how I like it. We had the water area completely to ourselves, and the kids played in there a long time. Joel had a smile on his face almost the entire time.

The plus side of doing the water area first was that there were no other kids. The down side was the fact that the kids were wet from the start. Aubrey's pants, socks, sleeves, and hair all got doused. She didn't seem to mind too much, though (and had a blast doing it). If it had been another one of our children, that would not have been ok.

played in here a while, too

Grant did great just hangin' with Mom.

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1 comment:

Curtis and Jane said...

Great pictures! You look good Andrea. :)