Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow lessens the blow

Joel was pretty disappointed when he didn't get to go to preschool today. When you only go two times a week, missing one is a big deal, but when school is closed because of snow (and not because the school flooded), it's a lot easier to handle. He perked right up when we talked about going outside to play. I have to admit I was a little bummed that there was no school, too. It's been a rough week. Greg was home for three days with strep, Grant was still struggling with an ear infection, and we've been at the doctor's office every day this week, so I was looking forward to having a more normal day here (need to prep for Aubrey's birthday tomorrow!). The blanket of fresh snow sure was beautiful, though, and the kids did have a great time outside today. Nothing like a snow day when you're a kid...or a teacher. :) Brian and Emily came over with Russell, and we got to watch him experience snow for the first time. So cute!


Ear infection boy. He's doing MUCH better. Unfortunately, in order to get better he had to have antibiotic shots three days in a row this week. We're done now, though! Great to have our happy baby back.

Aubrey was loving her bunny scarf from Great Grandma Arnold

1 comment:

mlearnold said...

It was fun "playing" in the the snow this morning. Glad we shared it with you. :)