Monday, August 23, 2010

Needed to put up some new photos

Don't have a whole lot of time to blog these days. We're doing well but still getting used to our new normal around here. Yes, our house is a mess and laundry is piled up, and I'm trying not to let it get to me too much. :) Grant went from getting up once or twice a night to getting up two or three times a night and not going back to sleep easily, so we're a little short on sleep, but that's to be expected. He's healthy and eating pretty well. He was 9lbs 4 oz at his two week check up, so he gained back his birth weight and then some.

All four kids. This was a week ago or so.


Almost three weeks old
One of his many faces. (He gets that talent from Greg, you know.)

1 comment:

Mark Moffat said...

very cute pictures!!