Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Aluminum Anniversary

It's been 10 years since we stood in front of all our family and friends and vowed to "love, honor, and cherish" each other "as long as we both shall live." Ten years since I made one of the best decisions of my entire life. While there have been days when I haven't liked him and he hasn't liked me very much, I can honestly say I have never regretted marrying Greg. I knew when we first started dating in the fall of '97 that I was going to marry him.  It took him a bit longer to come to that same conclusion, but we got there. :)

young, happy newlyweds (the sky was
beautiful that night)
It was such a fun whirlwind of a day.
We are not going to Hawaii or Mexico to celebrate our big "ten year." We're not going anywhere (well, we do get to go to soccer practice!) as our baby is three weeks old today, but we are celebrating the wonderful ten years we've spent together as husband and wife . What a full ten years it's been--graduating from college, moving 7 times, having four children. Ten years finds us sleep-deprived (loving the baby, just to be clear) and up to our elbows in dirty diapers once again. My heart is joyful and thankful for the blessings God has bestowed upon us and our marriage. I'm so grateful for the man I married.

I love you, Greg! Happy 10th anniversary!


Cheryl Licht said...

Sniffles, (literally). I remember that day well, and how I was going to be the bridesmaid that actually wouldn't cry. Ha! Your wedding and God's story written on both of your lives is too wonderful to escape (happy) tears. Happy Anniversary! You are an amazing couple and a family that God has indeed blessed! Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pate Family said...

Happy Anniversary!!!