Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last day of being spoiled

Tomorrow Grant will be a week old, and tomorrow Greg goes back to work. Then “real” life begins—four on one. Oh boy! We’ve had a pretty good first week. The time in the hospital was nice and low key, and we have survived the first week of transition with the kids. Greg’s been cook, cleaner, and Super Dad. Grant has had no shortage of people wanting to hold him. Kari holds him every chance she gets. Aubrey is coming around and tells me, “He needs milk, Mama,” when he cries. We’ve had a few rough days with her, but we’re trying to remember that this is probably hardest on her, as she is no longer the baby of the family. She’s done quite a bit better the last day or so and seems a lot happier. Grant is doing well and sleeping pretty well at night, too, usually waking up only twice, which isn’t bad at all. Last night he was up for two hours the first time, which wasn’t the best, but he’s not even a week old, so I can’t complain. It will all be different when I can no longer go back to bed for a 6:00am-7:30am nap. I’m preparing myself for a house that looks like a tornado has hit, difficulty squeezing in a shower, laundry that piles up, and just pure chaos for a while. That’s what happens when we have a new baby around here…

When we drove up to the house after leaving the hospital this is what we saw: "Welcome Home Grant!

There were all kinds of signs like this one inside, too. Looked like the kids had fun decorating with Grandma.

Six days old.
I'll try to get some photos with his eyes open soon. He doesn't have a lot of awake time yet, so we only have small windows of time that are usually filled with feeding and diapering, and snuggling. I just don't want to put this sweet little guy down!

1 comment:

Eric 'n Leah said...

Thanks for the pics Andrea! I'm anxious to get to meet him!!!!
So, um....that last picture looks a bit like a "coug-face"...eh? :-)