Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Update with no photos

We've been doing stuff this week, and I've wanted to blog, but I haven't taken any pictures, so I'll have to just do it with no photos.

Sunday I returned from a wonderful, relaxing weekend away with ladies from church. We heard the life stories of four women from church, and each one was so powerful. It was so encouraging to hear how God has been and is still working in each of their lives. We stayed at a hotel in the gorge (beautiful!), did some shopping, did NO cooking or cleaning, and had time for uninterrupted conversation, something that I find myself yearning for sometimes as a mom of young children. I came home to my family on Sunday feeling refreshed. I did, however, manage to get sick and am now battling a sinus infection. I have decided it was worth it, though. :)

Oh, and Greg and the kids did just fine without me. I think they had too much fun one night. Here's the video to prove it:

I registered Joel for preschool this week. At first he was excited when he heard it's going to be his turn to go to school, but then later he told me, "Maybe I don't want to go to preschool." Today he's back to wanting to go. We've got some time.

Kari didn't have school today, so this morning I took the kids to the Portland Children's Museum. They had such a good time. I'm glad we did it. Going in the middle of the week when they first open is so much better than going on the weekend! We pretty much had the place to ourselves--definitely the way to go. (Don't get me wrong, sharing is fine and good and all, but I have found that trying to share with too many strangers--bratty, pushy kids and unattentive moms--is no fun for me or the kids.) They were able to brush the alligator's massive teeth with the massive toothbrushes without any wait time. They shopped/cashiered freely in the neat and tidy grocery area, each able to have their own cart. The realistic, heavy fruit and veggies are pretty cool, I must admit. They played wherever they wanted in the water area and had the stage to themselves in the "theater." We did a little face-painting and played in the trees with the puppets. Aubrey wasn't so sure about animals popping out of holes in trees but eventually came around. We spent a while in the digging pit, and then it was time to go. The crowds were pouring in as we made our departure. Perfect timing.

The rest of our week is full of basketball practice, volunteering in Kari's class, worship team stuff (that's all Greg, not me), baby shower for Emily, basketball game (only two left), and Greg's birthday on Saturday. I like this kind of "busyness." Life is full but not too full. Good times.

1 comment:

Wilson Family said...

Glad you guys had a good time at the Childrens Museum. I think I'll have to get brave and give it a try sometime soon!