Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Our favorite number

Here's a video of Kari and Joel singing a song in the Christmas program at church this last Sunday. They sang with all the other shepherds and angels, too, but they've been practicing this song at home for the last month. Aubrey can even sing parts of it with them (and did on Sunday from her seat on Daddy's lap). At the last minute we threw the unfamiliar camera at Uncle Blake and asked him to video for us, so thanks, Blake! I was herding shepherds to and from the stage throughout, and Greg quickly discovered he couldn't video and hold Aubrey at the same time. The older girls, Krista and Hannah, did a wonderful job, and were very sweet with the kids. We were so proud of our little singers. :)

Christmas play 2009 from Andrea Moffat on Vimeo.


Mark Moffat said...

Kari and Joel,

You both sounded fantastic singing at the Christmas program. You sang out really loud and strong.

Merry Christmas.
Love Grandma and Grandpa Moffat

Jenne said...

So much fun - and so cute!