Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kari Lynn!

Yesterday our oldest turned six. Six! We had her party last Saturday at Grandpa and Grandma A's house (video by Grandpa here). She loved every minute of it, and has been busy, and I mean VERY busy, with all her presents, most of which were art/craft related. Almost every morning this last week, except when she was sick, I've come out to the kitchen early in the morning and found her at the table working hard on one project or another.

Kari had to stay home from school on her actual birthday (the 17th) because she had the stomach flu the day before and needed a day of recovery (gotta give it at least 24 hours). She was feeling pretty good, though, so even though she had to stay home, at least she wasn't throwing up on her birthday. Here the kids are making a birthday "coo-goo." And what is a "coo-goo?" It's Joel's made-up word for a big jumping pile of all the blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals you can find in the house. I'm not particularly fond of "coo-goo" (as you can imagine, it is NOT fun to clean up), and they have been banned for the most part, but I allowed one for the sake of the birthday girl. Kari's talking to cousin Maggie on the phone while she jumps.

The last activity of the day was gingerbread house decorating. That made Kari happy, too. If we lived in Alaska, Great Grandma Arnold would make and decorate gingerbread houses with the kids, but since we don't, I carry on the tradition for her. I think Kari had a pretty good birthday, all things considered.
We're looking forward to another year of watching you grow and learn, Kari Lynn. We love you!
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Denee said...

I'm glad Kari had a good day, despite being semi-sick. Our first nephew was born on Wednesday, the 17th! (Steve's sister)

Wilson Family said...

Happy Birthday Kari!

We usually ban the same thing in our house, although the kids call it "pillow mountain" tons of fun to make and play with, but a nightmare to clean up!

I missed you today, hope you are feeling better!

rdnaharding said...

Sorry I am late but Happy Birthday Kari!!