Thursday, June 04, 2009

Mission Accomplished

The kids' last swimming lesson was today, and they both showed great improvement in their own ways. The primary reason we enrolled the kids was to get Joel accustomed to the water (ie, not be so afraid) before this summer's pool season, and after watching him in the water today, I'd say we accomplished that goal. Joel completed every step of level 1 and could move on, but the instructor thought he probably would be more comfortable staying with Level 1 for another set of lessons, as he still moves pretty cautiously in the water--a correct assessment, in my opinion. Kari completed every step and then some beyond. She could skip to level 3 next time. She is able to swim on her own across the learner pool. I was amazed at what they accomplished with her. She's a little fish in the water! I'm tempted to enroll her in the next class, but we'll see.
We got home just in time to witness the severe thunderstorm from the safety of our living room.
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Tricia Swift said...

that storm was crazy! great pictures of swimming! feels so good to get the kids comfortable in the water. Colton's there, now for Clay's turn!

Curtis and Jane said...

You can tell she is loving it! Cute suit, too.

Curtis and Jane said...

You can tell she is loving it! Cute suit, too.