Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Father Daughter Messes

We are having another one of "those" weeks around here--nothing too terrible, just not great. Colds, soar throats, sinus infection (what did I have that surgery for again?). The week's been full of doctor visits, doctor phone calls, and pharmacy runs. Kari's going strong as the only completely well one. Good for you, Kari. Keep it up!
Early Monday morning Greg sustained a basketball injury above his eye that sent him to urgent care for six stitches. Aubrey went to the doctor Tuesday for an ear infection.
So, here's the pair on Sunday.
And here they are on Tuesday--aren't they pitiful?
This one shows the black eye better. Aubrey seriously was a wreck yesterday, but she still managed a little cheezy smile for the camera.

So, we're just laying low around here. I'm getting absolutely nothing done, but I'm enjoying the extra cuddles from my sad sick baby, playing with the kids, and reading more books with them. Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb and Hop on Pop are Aubrey's favorites, so they've been read multiple times a day. I'd rather not have a sick baby, but there are some positives. Gotta look on the bright side, right?
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Ellie said...

Wow, Greg, that eye is awesome!!! I do believe it's cooler than mine. :)
Hope you all are feeling better soon.

Tricia Swift said...

miss you guys yesterday! hope your are feeling better soon.

Jenne said...

Oh dear. Dear, dear me. all I can say is:
dum ditty dum ditty dum dum dum.

Mars said...

Is that eye actually swolen shut? Impressive! You guys...sheesh!