Saturday, June 07, 2008


We spent some time with our friends, the Wilsons, this morning. The dads and older kids went up to Wildwood, a very cool recreation site up near Welches, OR with walkways through the forest. The moms stayed behind with the baby girls and had a peaceful morning together. The little hikers had a GREAT time and burst through the door all excited about their adventure in the woods.


Jenne said...

One of my favorite things about having a new baby are the opportunities that arise for Dad to take AL THE OTHER KIDS somewhere, and I must "suffer" by myself, all alone with the baby in a quiet house. (Remember the olden days when being by yourself with your first baby was A LOT OF WORK? Oh how we have grown!!

Megan said...

That looks like a really fun place! We just may have to try it out this summer too :) thanks for sharing