Friday, June 20, 2008

A girl after my own heart

A couple weeks ago I was putting away laundry after nap/rest time, and this is what I saw. Kari "organized" during her rest time.
Then today Kari handed me my pin cushion and said, "Here, Mom, I organized it for you!" And so she did.
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The Miller Family said...

That is awesome! Don't you feel proud and partly self conscious that they have picked up the perfectionism from you...I am always second guessing myself in these situations. Oh, is this good or am I turning my daughter into a mini-me? Too funny!

Cheryl Licht said...

Wow, yup --- that speaks of certain personality traits. Makes me smile and laugh. She's just who she's supposed to be!

Jenne said...

I love it! It's so funny. with my perfectionist I am always beating the drum of, "good enough is good enough, sweetie (don't kill yourself getting it perfect)" and with my other one, I am CONSTANTLY training on the importance of finishing a job well.

Jenne said...

Oh, by the way, sorry to not call you last week. i was sick all week long. But it seems as though our schedule has lightened up so we can make all kinds of evening BBQ plans!