Monday, June 16, 2008

Slave Labor (aka Re-Roofing)

The weather this weekend was great for our latest home project, re-roofing our house. The materials were delivered the week before, but it rained that weekend, so we had to delay it. The kids thought the roofing material delivery truck and ramp looked like a fire truck, so they had to get theirs out while they watched.
Greg and a BIG crew of family and friends worked hard Thursday night tearing off the two layers. Greg's Grandpa Moffat was even in on the action--doing the grunt work on the ground picking up debris and nails. Greg worked on the roof all day Friday, finishing the tear-off and pulling nails and staples. Brian, Emily, and Eric slaved in the sun Friday, too. Yes, Emily was up on our roof. Turns out she's a champion nail puller. That night Greg and his dad repaired the bad spots in the plywood (Brian went rolling down our roof after his foot went through one bad spot but was able to stop before he rolled off--pretty exciting times.)
By Saturday morning they were ready to put the new roof on.
Saturday was a marathon day of hard, hard work with lots of help. Our neighbor across the street said to me, "You must have great friends, 'cause you have had a lot of people at your house!" Yes, we do have great friends and family, and we are so thankful for you and your willingness to sacrifice your time and energy to help us with this big project. A big thanks also to the wives/moms who allowed their husbands to spend their weekend here with us. We had some crazy fun times in the backyard with big bunches of kids running wild. My job in all of this was to watch kids and keep the food and beverages coming for our crew. I had lots of help, too. Thanks, everyone!
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The Miller Family said...

Looks good! Hope you and your house have recovered!?!

The Miller Family said...
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Jenne said...

Wow! what a project. Sorry to have missed all the fun!