Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Falls and Park

On Saturday we took the kids to Multnomah Falls. We had fun; it's always so beautiful, but it had been a long time since I'd been there, and I didn't realize it's a terrible place to take a run-wild toddler! The 2 foot tall brick wall along the edge of the path going up is not high enough to keep kids from tumbling off the edge of the cliff, and that's where Joel wanted to be, right on the edge. Then once we got to the bridge I saw more safety issues. The bridge slats are about 6-8 inches apart, wide enough to allow a little one to pass right through! Joel kept wanting to put his head through and look out at the falls. They've also got big huge holes along the bottom of the taller brick wall on either side of the bridge. I kept a tight reign on Joel, and he didn't appreciate it. We didn't stay long--too nerve-racking. We decided to enjoy the view from below. Aftewards we went to a park, had a picnic, and walked down the path a ways. Kari took our photo (bottom right) on the much more kid-friendly park bridge.
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Kristi said...

Ha Ha! We decided to walk to the top on July 4th with the boys and I was freaked out the whole time because of the steep clifs and sharp turns! Not a good place for a crazy 4 year old either! But we did make it to the top..the boys were troopers. I think they complained less that I did!

Paul, Karyn, Philip said...

Happy Anniversary yesterday! you guys are getting up there in the years! Congrats. talk to you soon!