Sunday, October 22, 2006

Low-key Weekend

We had a pretty relaxing weekend--good thing, too, since everyone in our household has a cold. Kari has been taking good care of all her "babies." Friday evening she lined them all up on the couch. They're such obedient children. She's also been putting them to sleep in anything she can find that resembles a crib. She has a cradle and a doll size port-a-crib, but four of them have had to sleep in laundry baskets. I overheard her singing"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" (one of the two songs she sings every night with us before going to sleep).

Saturday evening we hung out with Grandma and Grandpa A.

Joel survived a traumatic highchair fall that night and seems to have recovered just fine.

She had fun licking many envelopes (the kind that comes with your junk mail like credit card pre-approvals) and putting stickers all over them. She also colored a lovely picture of a pumpkin with Grandpa.

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1 comment:

Megan said...

I need some advice from Keri on how to teach obedience :) She has it down with those stuffed animals and dolls. That is so cute. Hope everyone in your family is feeling better!