Saturday, May 20, 2023

Springfest '23

Springfest only happens every other year at Barlow, and they hadn't had it since before the pandemic. A lot of students and many staff members had never experienced a Springfest afternoon. It was much anticipated, and it did not disappoint--rides, wipe out, dunk tank, belly flop contest, volleyball, basketball 3 v3, tie-dye, henna, face-painting, food, treats, and games. I was on cotton candy duty and sold popsicles to students waiting in line for the carnival ride. It was so much fun, and I'm so glad Barlow has kept this tradition going. I remember Springfest from when I was a student at Barlow. It's great to see students enjoying themselves at school, outside the classroom. 

Joel didn't get to go to Springfest because he and Camden were at the state tennis tournament. He didn't mind too much missing it.

That evening we helped out at the Powell Valley Spring Carnival with others from church. It made for a very long day, and I was exhausted by the end, but it was fun to serve others for so much of my day and to do it with our family. Grant and I were on "fishing" duty, and he was in charge of putting the prizes on the line. He did a great job! 

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