Saturday, September 04, 2021

21st Anniversary

FB post: Driving home from our family vacation on our anniversary (we know how to celebrate, don’t we? πŸ˜‰) and realized I have been married to this guy for half my life! We were 21 when we got married, and today marks 21 years of marriage. I am so thankful for him and the life God has given us together. This last year was really, REALLY difficult, just terrible, watching him suffer through cancer and chemo. But he made it through; WE made it through! Many mercies and blessings throughout. Here’s to many, many more anniversaries! I love you, Greg Moffat! 

We celebrated a week later with an overnight trip in the gorge. We hiked a small part of the Pacific Crest Trail near the Bridge of the Gods in Cascade Locks, got settled into the hotel, and drove to Hood River for dinner at Solstice Wood Fire Pizza. The food was amazing! Everything was so good--our salad, the gourmet pizza, and the desserts--key lime pie and s'more. We walked along the waterfront and watched some evening windsurfers. The next morning we had breakfast in Hood River and then headed back home. A short and sweet trip but worth it! 

I was dismayed when I realized Friday night I only brought one pair of shoes--my Chacos--which did not go with the rest of my outfits. I somehow forgot to pack shoes and only had the ones I had on my feet when I left the house for our hike. My feet were comfortable all weekend at least, even if I didn't get to look as put together. :) I blamed the craziness of the week (me accepting a job to sub full time and start the year as a 6th grade science teacher) for my forgetfulness. 

Oh, and we had some extra excitement on our drive to Cascade Locks in Mom and Dad Moffat's brand new car (they traded with us so they could have the van to fit the kids). As we were going through the tunnel, a truck in front of us hit a big round metal thing, which bounced off the wall of the tunnel and came flying straight at us! We thought it was going to hit the passenger side windshield, but it flew up at the last second and hit the top of the car. We drove on in shock over what had just happened. Unbelievable! Fifteen minutes later, we pulled into the trailhead parking lot and assessed the damage. At first we couldn't see anything, but then we found a tiny dent near the sunroof. We expected much more damage, from the size of the object and the sound it made when it hit us. We broke the news to Mom and Dad when we went to pick up the kids the next day. They took it well, and thankfully, it was not a very expensive fix. Such bad luck! We were thankful it hadn't hurt us, though! It could have been really bad!

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