Monday, January 11, 2021

Wisdom Teeth

We followed our family's long bout of illness with Kari's wisdom teeth removal. Funny timing, huh? Actually, Kari was pretty funny right after surgery. She was laughing hysterically when they brought her out to me, stumbling to the care with two of us supporting her. She laugh-cried the whole way home, trying to talk through the nasty, bloody gauze hanging out of her mouth (made me nauseous). At one point she gestured wildly to change the radio station, saying that song makes her cry (it did--she had tears streaming down her face). I called Greg to come down to help get her inside as we pulled into the driveway. I had to jump out and run around the car to keep her from trying to walk in on her own. She said, "I can do it." She couldn't. Kari with no filter is entertaining. We had Grant sit with her in her room to make sure she didn't try to get up while we prepped ice packs and got meds ready for her. She was hilarious.  She swelled up quickly and had VERY puffy cheeks for almost a week. Joel said she reminded him of Cindy Lou Who. :) Four days later she went on the high school retreat, though, puffy cheeks and all. By the end of the weekend, swelling was down, and she was just left with green bruises on her jaw. She's pretty tough!

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