Thursday, August 18, 2016

Lost Creek Camping

We reserved a camping spot at Lost Creek this year. After last year's camping fail, we decided we needed a guaranteed spot. We invited other families to join us, but it didn't work out for any of them to come. Or so we thought. We had sent up our tent and got things situated around our campsite and were sitting by the fire Greg had just started when we saw a kid, who looked like Ken Wilson, wearing a sombrero and shaking a maraca as he walked up the pathway towards us. Turns out, it WAS Ken Wilson. The Wilsons spontaneously decided to come camping after all! Such a fun surprise! The kids had a blast running around in the woods, wild and free. The next morning, the Wilsons took off for the hike they had planned on doing, and we went on a hike up the creek. We thought it was going to be a short hike, but it turned out to be a long one. It was a beautiful hike, and the squishy moss made for nice, comfy places to rest. We were a bit unprepared (no water, no food), but we made it back without too much drama. At least I had my phone for photos! The younger two were pretty worn out. We got some lunch and had a family "rest" in our tent where I read aloud some more of The BFG and then fell asleep. The kids rested for a bit and then headed down to the creek to play. Greg and Kari built a rock "dam" in the creek while Joel, Aubrey, and Grant looked for salamanders and frogs. When we came back to camp, the kids practiced shooting with the air soft gun and ran around in the forest some more. Sure is nice now that all the kids are old enough to wander and play, without us having to follow and chase after them. We spent time around the campfire that night and roasted marshmallows for s'mores, both the regular and lemon curd varieties (discovered the wonder of the the lemon curd s'more with the Wilsons last year on our camping trip). Once it got dark, we went on a night walk before bedtime.

We had planned to take our time packing up the next morning, but by Sunday morning, I was done camping. I was ready to go home and wanted to make it to church, if we could. We went into hyper-drive and packed up camp in record time, getting home with just enough time to quickly shower and get to church on time.  Moffat camping trip 2016 was a smashing success.

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