Sunday, April 17, 2016

CA Adventure

I just got back from a wonderful weekend visiting my dear friend, Jane, in Livermore, CA. It's something I've wanted to do for years but never had the means, time, or ability to go. It was so much fun! I experienced a lot of "firsts"--first time flying alone since being married and having kids, first time renting a car by myself, first time pumping my own fuel (I'm an Oregonian, after all), first time driving in CA, first time vising Jane at her CA home (yeah!), first meal at In-N-Out (yum!), first visit to Hobby Lobby (amazing place!), and first time to San Fransisco.

On Saturday, Jane's husband, Curtis, graciously entertained their two girls all day, so Jane and I could drive to San Fransisco by ourselves. It was a gorgeous day, and we enjoyed the sunshine as we walked down to Pier 39, had lunch, did some shopping, and ate a sundae at Ghirardelli Square.  It was just wonderful to catch up with Jane and have lots of time to laugh, talk, and share--such a treat!

We knew our kids would love to see this candy store.

I loved getting to catch up with Jane, get to know her kids, and just see their home and life for myself. Their girls are adorable and so much fun. Curtis and Jane are great parents and are raising some sweet girls. Their two girls are not shy in the slightest. We became buddies as we chatted, played games, and colored together. :) 

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