Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Double Digit Birthday

Joel turned 10! This was my facebook post the morning of his birthday:
"Our Joel-boy is 10 today! He is a basketball-loving, always-hungry, sports-watching, quick-homework-doing (so he can get back to shooting hoops), shy-smiling, video-game-playing, kind-to-others, patient-with-his-little-brother kind of kid. We're excited to celebrate him today."

Joel went to birthday breakfast with Grandpa the Monday before his birthday (no school--MLK day). Sounded like he ate a lot of food!

We decided to have his family party on his actual birthday, a Wednesday, since the weekends were kind of crowded with basketball. Dinner was barbeque pulled pork sandwiches and tater tots, and Joel requested ice cream cake for dessert--easy-peasy!

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