Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Santa Sighting

We've never really pushed the whole Santa thing in our home, and so our kids have never really believed in Santa...except for Grant. Grant believes in Santa, so we just neither confirm nor deny his existence. Avoidance is our chosen method on this one. If he asks us the truth, we'll tell him, but I don't think he'll ask because I don't think he really wants to know. :)

Last week, I had an errand to run at the mall, so I took Grant to see Santa. He didn't want to go say hi; he just wanted to see him. So, Grant studied him from afar. After he'd watched him for a while, he turned to me and said, "Mom, that's not the real Santa." I thought he looked pretty real, but Grant said it wasn't him.

Later that day, Grant was lounging in the cart while we were shopping at Costco, when suddenly, he sat up and said,"There he is!"
"Who?" I asked.
"Santa!" exclaimed Grant.
"Back there!"
I looked behind us and didn't seen anyone resembling Santa, so I asked,"Was he wearing a red suit?"
"No," he said, "He was wearing overalls."

I'm not sure how long this Santa stuff will last, but it sure is funny and cute!

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