Sunday, September 06, 2015

15 Years on August 25th

We watched our wedding video with the kids on our anniversary. Greg and I usually watch it each year around our anniversary, but the kids had never seen it and thought it was funny to see everyone looking so young and the men with so much more hair. :)

I still love our wedding slideshow and ceremony. The words both Dad and Randy shared are just as applicable and meaningful today as they were then. Amazing to look back and see how God has worked in our lives since that day 15 years ago. 

Some anniversaries are "happier" than others. On our tenth anniversary we had a 3-week-old and while thrilled about him, we were exhausted and overwhelmed. Last year's anniversary, I was just coming out of that bout with depression--not a super great year for us. This anniversary was one of those happier ones. Greg and I write letters to each other every year on our anniversary, and this year our letters were almost identical in content. We both were reflecting on God's faithfulness and His blessings in our lives. 

We both also wrote about how excited we are to celebrate this anniversary together in Maui in less than six months. :-) We have a delayed celebration this year, but it's going to be great! 

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