Thursday, December 11, 2014

All Dressed Up With Somewhere to Go

Last Saturday night, we went to Greg's company's holiday party. It's my one night a year I get to dress up and coerce Greg into wearing a tie. :-) The last couple years they have had it at the Montgomery Park Atrium in Portland. There's always good food and music, and it's fun for me to get to meet/see Greg's coworkers, these people I don't know but feel like I know because of the stories Greg tells me. This year we were a little unlucky with our tablemates, and one particular lady, who had had too much to drink, became a little too friendly, chatty, and in our personal space. Thankfully, we had friends (the Stagers) at our table with whom to exchange looks and share little smiles and raised eyebrows. We made an early exit to get away from her and to get back to relieve our babysitters but didn't escape without a big hug (both Greg and I at the same time) from the tipsy lady. Next time, we will be more careful when we choose seats!

I still had a great time out on our date. It's fun to get all prettied up and wear heels every now and then. :)

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