Monday, November 03, 2014

Waldo, Wenda, Pippi Longstocking, a Ninja, Rapunzel, and a Pirate

Halloween is FUN in our neighborhood, and this year was no exception. I don't like any of the scary, evil parts of Halloween, but I love the kids in cute costumes, handing out candy, and being a part of the community in which we live. It's like one big block party with parents and neighbors chatting on sidewalks while kids run house to house, saying "hi" to their friends along the way. Greg and I dressed up again this year. He was "Waldo" from the Where's Waldo? books, and I was "Wenda," Waldo's girlfriend. Greg said he may have heard, "I found you!" or something like it, 75 or 80 times that evening as he walked around the neighborhood with the kids. I walked around the block with them but then came home to hand out candy. At the door, I had a lot of kids ask, "Where's Waldo?" and I'd reply, "He's out there somewhere. Go find him!"


Dad took a couple pictures of us when we stopped by their house. My camera was a part of my costume, so I'm glad it was documented that I wore it. :)

We could not believe the haul the kids made this year. Kari and Joel were out in the neighborhood a little over 2 hours (Aubrey and Grant didn't last as long) and came home with loads of candy. I took this photo the next day when they were sorting some of it and trading. It doesn't do the stash justice. There's more that you can't see. We've got treats to last a while!

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