Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Last week of school

I am very much looking forward to summer, but I am also soaking up the last few days of a quieter house in the mornings and errands with just one or two kids. Grant and I went strawberry picking one morning. Sure do love Oregon strawberries! Grant wouldn't eat strawberries last year, but he discovered he loves them this year. The little stinker threw his hat in the air, for some reason, and we never did find it. We searched up and down the rows but just couldn't spot it. I'm thinking the wind must have carried it further than we thought. He wasn't upset at all. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I guess we will just have to leave it!" And we did.

 We stopped at a park one day after running errands, and he learned to maneuver the "rings." He was pretty proud of himself! I really have enjoyed my one-on-one time with Grant this past year. We have a good time together. He's a good little housecleaner, too, when he's not making messes. He vacuumed the stairs all by himself yesterday and did a might fine job with it, too.

On a totally different subject and yet important, I think, to remember...yesterday is a day that will be burned in my memory forever, I think. It was a sad, scary day for Reynolds High School, as an armed student came to school and shot and killed another student, injured one teacher, and then killed himself. There were lots of texts flying back and forth all morning, one of the first ones from Leah, confirming that Eric, who teaches Physics there, was safe. It was a sobering day, a reminder that we live in a fallen world and that things can change in an instant. I prayed a lot yesterday.

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