Friday, March 21, 2014

He's a fish

We put Grant in his first swim lessons, and I was completely shocked on the final day of the session when I got to watch and see his progress. He was amazing! He didn't stop moving, for one. It seemed like he was underwater more often than not. I couldn't believe it! He went from not wanting to get his face in the water to jumping in on his own and staying underwater. He was actually swimming--rolling from his front to his back, floating on his back, jumping in and trying to kick and swim. He did so well, the instructor is having him skip the next level and go straight to the big pool, the level that Aubrey just finished. Crazy! I'm trying to get him into the next session of lessons, so he doesn't lose any momentum. We'll have to keep a close eye on him this summer for sure (he seems to have no fear!), but it's so exciting to think of having four swimmers soon!

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