Monday, January 13, 2014

Christmas Program

I helped with the Christmas program this year at church. Dad wrote it, and I, along with a couple other ladies, directed it. It was a lot of work, but it was fun, and I really enjoyed being a part of it. We had a great team of people working together on it, and the kids did a really good job. A couple people laughingly said afterwards that it looked a little like herding chickens at times, and they were right! We had a lot of little kids, and when they're 3 years old, they're a little unpredictable. Even when they're 5 years old, they can be unpredictable, as evidenced by little Drake's impromptu performance. Here's the video and some photos others posted on FB. Kari was one of three narrators, Joel was "Daniel," as in Daniel and the lions den, and Aubrey and Grant were lions, and Aubrey said one of the 10 Commandments. Dad's program was unique, starting the story at the beginning of the Old Testament, weaving stories throughout, and leading up to the nativity, and it was great. The kids are what "make" these programs, though. They were so cute!

2013 Children's Christmas Program from Barry Arnold on Vimeo.

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