Saturday, May 11, 2013

A new sport

Joel is trying baseball this spring and is enjoying it so far. Their team is the "A's." We're not sure we can be a baseball family, but we're giving it a try. We'll see what Joel thinks by the end of it. The first couple games were downright miserable, sitting/standing out there for a long time in the cold and wind, but we've had great weather for the games since then, and it's been more fun. The team's skills are getting better, and they understand the game better now, too, which helps. I'm still learning, though. :) Kari, Grant, and Aubrey like that there's a concession stand nearby (they bring their own money to spend--well, not Grant, but the others), and they like hanging out in the grass and playing with friends. They pay attention to the game when we tell them Joel is up to bat. Then they cheer him on.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Joel!!
Mrs. G