Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Resurrection Sunday

In our rush to get out the door to church, we weren't able to get a family photo, but I got one of the kids. Of course, Grant got into Aubrey's pink chapstick just before we left, so he went to church wearing some pink.

We went over to my parents' after church and had a nice dinner and good afernoon there.  Unfortunately, Emily got a bad headache, so Brian and Emily weren't able to join us for dinner or the egg hunt. It was a bummer. Russell spent the day with us, though, and the cousins got to play, which was fun.
Riding with Grandpa
Joel behind the wheel--a slow, cautious driver
Kari behind the wheel--a fast, not-so-cautious driver. Dad says we'd better watch out when she learns to drive.

Grandma with Russell and Grant after they had both just woken up from naps. Russell was trying to give me a serious face, but I caught the smiles anyway.

Heading out to hunt eggs. Grandma had 77 eggs prepared, I believe. The kids have a lot of yummy stuff!

Russell was more interested in the shovel than the egg near the shovel.

I like this one.

And this one.

And this one, too. Russell was Kari's shadow that afternoon. They're watching the movie Cars. He didn't stay there long, but it was awfully cute.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your kids has some good grandparents who love them and spends time as well. So cute Kari and Russell sitting there.
Mrs. G