Monday, April 16, 2012

Bit of a status update

We had a very productive weekend around here. I got my fuchsias and geraniums in my pots at Fred Meyer's fuchsia Saturday and roped some friends into going with me bright and early to stand in line. :) As soon as I got back, our whole family headed outside for a long day of yard work. Keeping Grant out of the street and occupied was a bit of a challenge, but we managed to get quite a bit of work done, even with him out there with us. We were extra productive during nap time. We weeded, sprayed, "preened," "casoroned," and spread two pick-up loads of bark dust. Kari was our chief bark dust spreader that day. She worked long and hard! The kids helped off and on all day and played with the neighbor kids riding bikes, playing games, jumping on the trampoline, and running a "water stand."  I gave them some cookies to spice up their inventory. Maybe later we'll even turn the water into lemonade.

We also dug holes and planted three trees in our backyard--a red maple, a random (cheap) "shade" tree, and an Italian plum tree-- in hopes that we can gain some shade and privacy for our backyard in the years to come.  The kids helped us pick them out. They really wanted to get a fruit tree, specifically an apple tree, but we compromised with the lower maintenance plum tree. We planted Great-Grandma Harrington's rose bush in the backyard, too. Thanks for growing one for me, Dad, so I can enjoy it at this house, too! 

A full day of yard work had us both groaning as we stood up from our chairs at the end of church yesterday. We're getting old.

I didn't take any pictures of our work day. I was too busy working and didn't think to document, but here's one to show the strange red bark dust is gone and replaced with normal brown stuff.
Our fresh, weed-free, bark-dusted yard and hanging baskets.
We're ready for summer!

The rest of these are just random photos on the camera.

Fun game for Aubrey, and Joel seemed to think it was fun, too.

This little guy has managed to stay accident-free this last week. Hooray! He also has slept all night long (until 5:00am or later) the past three nights--a new record for him. For the past week I have given him an early, short nap from 12pm-1pm. That hour goes by so quickly, just doesn't feel long enough, but it's worth it to wake him up if he'll sleep at night. We'll see if the trend continues. I sure hope so. He is the cutest little thing, but he is exhausting right now. He makes me tired. Good thing he's got that bright grin and endearing charm to go along with his energetic, get-into-everything mischievousness.

Nutella and pretzels for lunch

Aubrey "reading" and Grant wanting to just be near her

All four kids watching AFV together.
They're all getting so big!

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mlearnold said...

Your baskets look great! Can I hire your crew for our house this weekend???

Faith said...

looks great!! we had a work day on Saturday too..hard work! so fun that the kids helped. and our kids love AFV too!