Sunday, January 15, 2012


Woke up to snow today!

They kept watch while they ate their breakfast and then had to wait until it was an acceptable hour to go make noise outside.

Checking it out and probably thinking, "What IS that stuff?"

He did not appreciate being turned into a puffy little man but quickly figured out the white "stuff" was pretty fun and worth the puffiness.

"I've fallen and I can't get up!" He stayed there, stunned by the bright white sky, until we helped him up.

"I got my mittens off, Mom. Do you see me?" We brought him in a few minutes later.

First taste of snow

The kids have no school for the next two days, and they're hoping for a lot more snow. We'll see if they get their wish.
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Denee said...

We awoke to HUGE snowflakes, but it didn't stick. It just teased us. It's fun that you guys got to play in it!

Anonymous said...

You have more snow than we have this winter. WE have had plenty of rain.
Mrs. G