Monday, January 09, 2012

Celebrity Mom

You know you've been a stay-at-home mom of young children for a while when your kids see you in a nice shirt (ie, non-knit) and nice black pants and say, "Whoa, Mom!" and your almost 6-year-old son says, "Mom, you look too famous!"

It might be time to update my wardrobe. I'm done having babies and, hopefully, mostly done changing sizes for a while, so maybe I should invest in some non-mom attire. Then again, maybe I shouldn't.  There is still a strong likelihood that I will wear out the knees of all my jeans and find dried snot on my shoulders, Desitin on my pants, and mystery grease spots on my shirts. It doesn't make much sense to spend money on clothes just to see them ruined, but a few changes/additions to the closet may be necessary. I'll go slow, though. I wouldn't want to look "too famous" too often.

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