This was our most recent poor attempt at an all-the-kids-on-the-couch photo. We'll try again soon at a better time.
It was a rainy day, too wet to go outside.
Mommy said, "Let's make cupcakes! What color do you want?"
"Pink!" I said. "Pink, pink, pink!"
Aubrey has been asking to make cupcakes like in one of her favorite books, Pinkalicious, and it was raining Sunday afternoon while Greg was out helping move my parents, so we made pinkalicious cupcakes and purplicious ones (the sequel to Pinkalicious) and bluealicious ones (there's no bluealicious book, but Joel said boys don't like pink, so he suggested blue).
We now have two different "As Seen on TV" products in our house. Don't judge! We bought our Magic Bullet (love it) from Costco, and the kids got their Pillow Pets with their own money today from Fred Meyer. I've been putting off the spend-the-spending-money outing for quite some time but finally took them to the store today. The people who market the Pillow Pets know what they are doing, and their tactics are effective. When the kids saw the Pillow Pets display in the store a month ago (right it front by the check stands, I might add), they got SO excited. They've been talking about these silly things for months (thanks, Qubo), and seeing them in person only increased their interest. It cost us $16 to let Kari and Joel spend their money (got one for Aubs). There was no way I was coming home with two Pillow Pets and not three. It was totally worth it, and I'm not worried about setting a precedent, as it is going to be a LONG time before they have any significant amount money in their spend jars again. A fifty-cent allowance divided between give, save, and spend takes a while to add up, and Aubrey just started getting allowance, too, so it'll be an even playing field next time. A Pillow Pet would not have been my selection for them, but it's their money...except for that $16. :)