Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday Yard Art

I knocked my camera off the coffee table today and broke something in the lens. Boo-hoo! I took it in to see if it's fixable, but until it's fixed/replaced I have to take pictures from afar because I only have the long lens now. I always thought the kids would be to blame if my camera broke, but it was all my fault. I can blame it on pregnancy clumsiness, though, to make myself feel better. I'm pretty klutzy these days.
The kids have been experiencing outside-play withdrawal and had fun today decorating our property with chalk. I think it's been two weeks since they've been able to play outside without sloshing around in the mud. Greg wasn't especially happy about the front yard rock artwork or the mailbox artwork either, so they were re-directed to the back yard.

They decorated the garden path instead. Isn't it lovely? As you can see, my garden has no green in it--no weeds but no seedlings either. That would be due to the torrential rainfall, hail, and cold temperatures we've had the last couple weeks. I unknowingly planted on the last warm day we were to have for a while. At least I only planted three things in the ground. My peas are starting to come up, so I just have to replant two of them. I'm pretty sure I'll have three eager little replanters when it's time.
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1 comment:

G&G Viertell said...

Andrea, Jann here! Tell Greg not to worry, the rain will eventually wash it off. And, it is much better than when my sister chipped a piece of brick off Mom and Dads fireplace so we could have a hopscotch on the front porch!