Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy, scrubby kids

I got my camera back but haven't used it much. I haven't had the time or the energy lately (been needing more naps again) to do much blogging. Here's a recent one of our rag-tag trio from this last weekend.
Aubrey is the epitome of "2" these days (perhaps another reason for not as much blogging), a bit of a mess--messy hair, messy face, messy clothes--and constantly asserting her will. This weekend she unrolled half a double roll of TP into the toilet. You can imagine how that worked out. Today she found Kari's art set with non-washable markers and decorated her arms. They'll be pink for a couple of days. She really does give the best hugs, though, and she's so stinkin' cute right now that it's difficult to be mad at her for long.
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1 comment:

Cheryl Licht said...

So can relate!!! I've been needing naps too. I have an almost two-year-old that suddenly started acting two last week, but again, he's so stinkin' cute and he gives the best hugs, maybe Aubrey and Evan should give a hugging contest. :-) Gotta love those little peoples!