Sunday, December 09, 2007

A Tree Birthday

On Saturday afternoon we celebrated Kari's 4th birthday. (We had to celebrate a couple weeks early in order for all her cousins to be able to attend.) The tree theme was a Kari original. She's been talking about her "tree birthday" since August, even before we went to her cousins' birthday parties in September. We still have no idea where she came up with this theme, and I asked repeatedly if she was sure that's what she wanted. I gave several other suggestions, considering she loves the Disney princesses, particularly Cinderella, but no, it had to be a tree birthday, as in apple tree, not Christmas tree. So, we worked hard to make her "tree" birthday special for her, and I have to say, I think we succeeded.

She LOVED her cake. She watched me make it and made sure I did everything just the way she wanted. She told me it was perfect! :)
She LOVED the balloon apple tree Greg and I made during nap time on Saturday. She squealed with delight when she saw it. She was so funny!
She LOVED having all her cousins and family there--both her Arnold family and her Moffat family. Of course, we had to get another cousin couch photo.
And she LOVED her presents. You know a girl is excited when she is ecstatic about the batteries she opens before she opens the camera they go in. In fact, there wasn't really anything Kari didn't love about this birthday, and that made this mommy very happy. It was so much fun to watch her enjoy her party.
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