Sunday, February 11, 2007

News on the Joel Front

On Saturday Joel showed some serious progress. He walked along the coffee table (for the first time!) and said "Happy Birthday" all in the same morning. He wanted the paper hole punch, and it was motivation enough for him to take some steps to get it. The "Happy Birthday" thing was kind of strange. He doesn't say anything yet, really. He says "juice," "dadda," "mama" (if I drag it out of him), and pretty much everything else is jibber-jabber to us. (Oh, today he learned to say "clock." There's a clock above his changing table, and he always points to it.) Anyhow, we wrote earlier about how Kari sings "Happy Birthday" a lot these days while playing her new guitar, and Joel has been hearing that song an awful lot lately what with all the recent family birthdays and all. Saturday morning Greg's parents were here. Grandpa was helping Greg with more bathroom remodel stuff, and Grandma was in the living room with me and the kids. Kari was playing and singing songs for Grandma, and as she was singing "Happy Birthday," we heard him say "Ha-Buh-Da" as he swayed back and forth to the music. I thought it was just a fluke, but then he did it again and again and again. So, Joel's first phrase is officially "Happy Birthday!"

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Megan said...

Wow! What advancments he is making! I loved watching him scoot along during family sunday school! He is so adorable!

Eric 'n Leah said...

Way to go Joel, it's brave step you made. We are very excited for you! S&M