Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Heights

Kari's had to go to the next level with her playtime. The more mobile Joel gets, the higher she goes. He can't knock down her tower up there!

You're probably wondering why I let our 3 year old be in our 1 year old's crib. About a month ago Kari told me she wanted to teach Joel how to stand up in his crib. At the time, I wanted him to be able to do this, too. It seemed weird to me that he had never stood up or even sat up in his crib, so I said ok and let her play in there with him for a few minutes. Joel loved it, so I let them do it for a few minutes when she asked. Yesterday Joel sat up and then stood up in his crib for the first time on his own. So, Kari gets the credit--and the blame, because now Joel is a bad napper. He thinks that if he's sitting up, I should come get him out. The last two days of naps have not been good. Oh well! I wanted him to be more mobile and active! He'll adjust (or I will). :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big sisters are wonderful.